Peace-Building in Nepal

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Peace-Building in Nepal

The AMARC-AP project “Community radios, conflict resolution and peace building in Nepal”, seeks to enhance the role of community radios in addressing challenges resulting from unresolved conflicts, peacebuilding and transitional justice issues in Nepal.

The project seeks to understand the conflict resolution and peace building experience in Nepal from the perspective of community radio audiences and broadcasters.

In 2021, 30 community radios in Nepal were selected to be involved in the project. Two community broadcasters from each radio attended training sessions that helped them learn about conflict, conflict issues prevalent in Nepal, and programming formats and techniques for producing effective radio programs. After attending the training the community broadcasters produced radio programs on the existing conflict issues in their community.

Likewise, in 2022, 84 community broadcasters from 42 community radios participated in the project. The community broadcasters attended basic online training as well as advanced face-to-face training. The community radio journalists received training on the topic “Scaling-up the Role of Community Radio in Conflict Resolution & Peace Building in Nepal”.

The training, which was conducted in two phases – online and face-to-face, was designed in such a way that the participants learned about conflict and conflict management as well as the role of community radios in addressing conflicts in their communities.

The participants learned program production skills and were introduced to topics such as communal conflict, violence and peacebuilding, the structure of Nepali society and potential conflict, the role of community radios in conflict reporting, protection for conflict reporters, conflict-sensitive reporting, and ideas for storytelling and appropriate program formats for conflict coverage.

The project is dedicated to enhancing the capacity of community broadcasters and community radios in Nepal to produce programs that address conflicts in the community.

This program is kindly supported by the Civil Peace Service of Bread for the World.


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